
(2010-185) Roti Kapai


Roti Kapai (加拜)是个圆形,用面粉做成的硬饼。没甚么味道,但配上热咖啡,就成了上等好吃的点心。这不是每个饼家都有卖的,必须到老字号饼家或老旧的饼店才可以买到。最近买了一包加拜,还有一包面包条回家。下午茶,变成了美味,令人响往的幸福怀旧时光。

2 条评论:

Unknown 说...

Hello..recently i bought roti kapai and roti jari. My chinese neighbour asked if i (muslim) can consume? Like to know if its halal for muslim to take it. Thank you.

vivien 说...

HI, The ingredients to make roti kapai are wheat floor, sugar and vegetable oil (refer to this link (http://www.himheang.com/roti-kapai/). But I am not sure whether Muslim can consume or not.